A.D. Avgelis & E.A. Tzortzakakis 2001 Occurence of viruses and Xiphinema spp in vineyards of the Greek islands of Paros and Limnos. Phytopathologia mediterannea, 40, 284-288.
Δ. Γκούμας, Α. Αυγελής, Ε. Τζωρτζακάκης, Ν. Μαλαθράκης & Ν. Ροδιτάκης 2001 Nematodes Τεχνικός οδηγός Ασθενειών & Εχθρών της Πατάτας. , 39-43.
E.A. Tzortzakakis 2000 The effect of Verticillium chlamydosporium and oxamyl on the control of Meloidogyne javanica on tomatoes grown in a plastic house in Crete, Greece. Nematologia mediterannea, 28, 249-254.
E.A. Tzortzakakis, M.S. Phillips & D.L. Trudgill 2000 Rotational management of Meloidogyne javanica in a small scale greenhouse trial in Crete, Greece. Nematropica, 30, 167-175.
Ε.Α. Τζωρτζακάκης 1999 Ολοκληρωμένη αντιμετώπιση κομβονηματωδών (Meloidogyne spp) στις θερμοκηπιακές καλλιέργειες της Κρήτης. 8ο Πανελλήνιο Εντομολογικό Συνέδριο, (2-5 Νοεμβρίου, Χαλκίδα)
E.A. Tzortzakakis, S. Verdejo-Lucas, C. Ornat, F.J. Sorribas & D.E. Goumas 1999 Effect of a previous resistant cultivar and Pasteuria penetrans on population densities of Meloidogyne javanica in greeenhouse grown tomatoes in Crete, Greece. Crop Protection, 18, 159-162.
E.A. Tzortzakakis, V.C. Blok, M.S. Phillips & D.L. Trudgill 1999 Variation in root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp) in Crete in relation to control with resistant tomato and pepper. Nematology, 1, 499-506.
E.A. Tzortzakakis, S. Verdejo-Lucas, C. Ornat, F.J. Sorribas & D.E. Goumas 1999 Effect of fallow and root destruction on survival of root-knot and root-lesion nematodes in intensive vegetable cropping systems. Nematropica, 29, 5-16.
Ε. Α. Tzortzakakis, D.L. Trudgill & M. Phillips 1998 Evidence for a dosage effect of the Mi gene on partially virulent isolates of M. javanica Journal of Nematology, 30, 76-80.
D.E. Goumas & E.A. Tzortzakakis 1998 Reproduction of Xiphinema index and Meloidogyne species and infection of Agrobacterium vitis on grapevine rootstocks. Phytopathologia mediterannea , 37, 22-27.
S.R. Gowen, E.A. Tzortzakakis & A.G.DE R.Channer 1998 Control of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica by the parasite Pasteuria penetrans as influenced by the initial nematode population densities Nematologica, 44, 369-379.
G. Grammatikaki & E.A.Tzortzakakis 1998 Reproduction of populations of Meloidogyne species on in vitro produced banana plantlets. Nematologia mediterannea, 26, 161-163.
Ε.Α. Τζωρτζακάκης 1998 Νηματώδεις που προσβάλλουν το αμπέλι Η Αμπελουργία στην Κρήτη. Προβλήματα και Προοπτικές., 381-388.
Ε.Δ. Αγγελάκης, Δ.Ε. Γκούμας, Ν.Ε. Μαλαθράκης, Ν.Ε. Ροδιτάκης, Μ. Τσαγρή & Ε.Α. Τζωρτζακάκης 1998 Προτάσεις γιά την αποτελεσματικότερη αντιμετώπιση των εχθρών και ασθενειών του αμπελιού. Η Αμπελουργία στην Κρήτη. Προβλήματα και Προοπτικές. , 391-425.
E.A. Tzortzakakis 1997 Observations on the variability in reproduction of some populations of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) on resistant tomatoes in Crete, Greece Russian Journal of Nematology, 5, 1-6.
E.A. Tzortzakakis, A.G.De.R. Channer, S.R.Gowen & R. Ahmed 1997 Studies on the potential use of Pasteuria penetrans as a biocontrol agent of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp). Plant Pathology, 46, 44-55.
E.A. Tzortzakakis 1997 Variability in reproduction of Meloidogyne javanica and M. incognita on tomato and pepper Nematropica, 27, 91-97.
A.D. Avgelis & E.A. Tzortzakakis 1997 Occurence and distribution of Xiphinema species and grape fanleaf nepovirus in vineyards of the Greek island of Samos. Nematologia mediterannea , 25, 177-182.
E.A. Tzortzakakis & D.J.F. Brown 1996 The absence of a tail mucro in Xiphinema index (Nematoda: Longidoridae) appears not to be an inherited characteristic Russian Journal of Nematology, 4, 187-189.
Ε. A. Tzortzakakis, S.R. Gowen & D.E. Goumas 1996 Decreased ability of Pasteuria penetrans spores to attack to successive generations of Meloidogyne javanica. Fundamental and Applied Nematology , 19, 201-204.
Ε. A. Tzortzakakis & S.R. Gowen 1996 Occurrence of a resistance breaking pathotype of Meloidogyne javanica on tomatoes in Crete, Greece. Fundamental and Applied Nematology, 19, 283-288.
Ε. Α. Tzortzakakis & D.L. Trudgill 1996 A thermal time based method for determining the fecundity of Meloidogyne javanica in relation to modelling its population dynamics Nematologica, 42, 347-353.
Ε. A. Tzortzakakis, A. G. De. R. Channer, S.R Gowen & D.E. Goumas 1995 Preliminary studies on the effect of the host plant on the susceptibility of Meloidogyne nematodes to spore attachment by the obligate parasite Pasteuria penetrans. Russian Journal of Nematology, 3, 23-26.
E.A. Tzortzakakis & S.R. Gowen 1994 Resistance of a population of Meloidogyne spp to parasitism by the obligate parasite Pasteuria penetrans. Nematologica, 40, 258-266.
E.A. Tzortzakakis & S.R. Gowen 1994 Evaluation of Pasteuria penetrans alone and in combination with oxamyl, plant resistance and solarization for control of Meloidogyne spp on vegetables grown in greenhouses of Crete. Crop Protection, 13, 455-462.
Tsaniklidis, G, Pappi, P., Tsafouros, A., Charova, S., Nikoloudakis, N., Roussos, P., Paschalidis, K., Delis, C. Polyamine homeostasis in tomato biotic /abiotic stress cross-tolerance Gene
Malandrakis, A., Kavroulakis, N., Chrysikopoulos K Use of silver nanoparticles to counter fungicide-resistance in Monilinia fructicola. Science of the Total Environmenthttps, 747