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Estimation of fly population density of Bactrocera oleae in olive groves of Crete

TitleEstimation of fly population density of Bactrocera oleae in olive groves of Crete
Publication TypeJournal Papers
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsVarikou, K., Alexandrakis, V., Gika, V., Birouraki, A., Marnelakis, C., & Sergentani, C.
Citation Key
KeywordsActual population density,Olive fruit fly,McPhail traps,Sondage,Yellow panels
AbstractPopulation density of adults of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) (Diptera: Tephritidae) was obtained from olive trees during a two-year study by means of two different methods, namely, knock down by an insecticide applied as a fog (‘sondage’) and trap captures (of yellow sticky panels and McPhail traps baited with ammonium). First it was concluded that yellow sticky panel traps give a poor representation of the olive fruit fly population density of the olive grove. Yellow panel trap captures were significantly lower than McPhail’s (September) and than the actual population of B. oleae as recorded in olive tree canopy (August of 2008). When only McPhail captures were compared to the olive fruit fly population in the tree canopy, B. oleae captures in McPhail traps represented only a small percentage of the population that was recorded in the olive tree canopy (July and August of 2009). It was estimated that traps captured only 0.5% of the flies present within a radius of 20 m in the studied field (which consists of approximately 25 trees). However, during autumn (September), low trap captures of B. oleae can occur even when the fly population in the field is near zero.
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