Psarras Georgios Dr., Deputy Director
Researcher B, Chania
Plant Physiology & Mineral Nutrition
Research Interests
- Mineral nutrition of tree crops (olive, citrus, subtropical crops)
- Application of leaf analysis as a tool for detecting nutrient deficiencies and applying a sustainable fertilizing schedule
- Physiology of tree crops in response to abiotic stresses
- Alternative and environmental friendly fertilizing practices
- Innovative products that may directly or indirectly affect the nutritional status of trees
Contact information
Thiresia-Teresa Tzatzani, Georgios Psarras, Dario Scuderi, Emmanouil Kokolakis and Ioannis E. Papadakis 2022 Effect of Organic Fertilizers on Avocado Trees (Cvs. Fuerte, Hass, Lamb Hass) in Western Crete, a Cool Subtropical Region Sustainability, 14, Issue 19, 12221.
Michalopoulos, G., Kasapi, K.A., Koubouris, G., Psarras, G., Arampatzis, G., Hatzigiannakis, E., Kavvadias, V., Xiloyannis, C., Montanaro, G., Malliaraki, S., Angelaki, A., Manolaraki, C., Giakoumaki, G., Reppas, S., Kourgialas, N., Kokkinos, G. 2020 Adaptation of Mediterranean olive groves to climate change through sustainable cultivation practices Climate, 8
Kavroulakis, N., Tsiknia, M., Ipsilantis, I., Kavadia, A., Stedel, C., Psarras, G., Tzerakis, C., Doupis, G., Karpouzas, D. G., Papadopoulou K. K., Ehaliotis, C. 2020 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus inocula from coastal sand dunes arrest olive cutting growth under salinity stress. Mycorrhiza, 30
Fakher, O.A., Doupis, G., Psarras, G., Papafilippaki, A., Koubouris, G. 2019 Evaluation of legume-cereal seed mixtures for enhancement of soil fertility, carbon storage and biodiversity in a low-intensity olive orchard Acta Horticulturae, 1242, 309-313.
Tzatzani T.T., Kavroulakis N., Doupis G., Psarras G., Papadakis E. I. 2019 Nutritional status of ‘Hass’ and ‘Fuerte’ avocado (Persea mericana Mill.) plants subjected to high soil moisture Journal of Plant Nutrition, 43, 327-333.
Morianou, G.G., Kourgialas, N.N., Psarras, G., Koubouris, G.C. 2018 Mapping sensitivity to desertification in Crete (Greece), the risk for agricultural areas Journal of Water and Climate Change, 9, 691-702.
Arampatzis, G., Hatzigiannakis, E., Pisinaras, V., Kourgialas, N., Psarras, G., Kinigopoulou, V., Panagopoulos, A., Koubouris, G. 2018 Soil water content and olive tree yield responses to soil management, irrigation, and precipitation in a hilly mediterranean area Journal of Water and Climate Change, 9, 672-678.
Kavvadias, V., Papadopoulou, M., Vavoulidou, E., Theocharopoulos, S., Koubouris, G., Psarras, G., Manolaraki, C., Giakoumaki, G., Vasiliadis, A. 2018 Effect of sustainable management of olive tree residues on soil fertility in irrigated and rain-fed olive orchards Journal of Water and Climate Change, 9, 764-774.
Koubouris, G., Psarras, G., Doupis, G. 2018 Potential for enrichment of soil with mineral nutrients by recycling olive pruning residues Acta Horticulturae, 1199, 297-301.
Arampatzis, G., Hatzigiannakis, E., Kourgialas, N., Psarras, G., Kinigopoulou, V., Panagopoulos, A., Koubouris, G. 2018 Seasonal variation and implications of soil water content in the cultivation of olive trees Acta Horticulturae, 1199, 339-343.
Kavvadias, V., Papadopoulou, M., Vavoulidou, E., Theocharopoulos, S., Repas, S., Koubouris, G., Psarras, G., Kokkinos, G. 2018 Effect of addition of organic materials and irrigation practices on soil quality in olive groves ournal of Water and Climate Change, 9, 775-785.
Kavvadias, V., Papadopoulou, M., Vavoulidou, E., Theocharopoulos, S., Malliaraki, S., Agelaki, K., Koubouris, G., Psarras, G. 2018 Effects of Carbon Inputs on Chemical and Microbial Properties of Soil in Irrigated and Rainfed Olive Groves Soil Management and Climate Change: Effects on Organic Carbon, Nitrogen Dynamics, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 137-150.
Koubouris, G.C., Kourgialas, N.N., Kavvadias, V., Digalaki, N., Psarras, G. 2017 Sustainable Agricultural Practices for Improving Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Content in Relation to Water Availability–An Adapted Approach to Mediterranean Olive Groves Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 48, 2687-2700.
Kourgialas, N.N., Doupis, G., Psarras, G., Sergentani, C., Digalaki, N., Koubouris, G.C. 2017 Soil management and compost effects on salinity and seasonal water storage in a mediterranean drought-affected olive tree area Desalination and Water Treatment, 99, 42-48.
Garantonakis, N., Varikou, K., Markakis, E., Birouraki, A., Sergentani, C., Psarras, G., Koubouris, G.C. 2016 Interaction between Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) infestation and fruit mineral element content in Olea europaea (Lamiales: Oleaceae) cultivars of global interest Applied Entomology and Zoology, 51, 257-265.
Kourgialas, N., Doupis, G., Papafilippaki, A., Psarras, G., Koubouris, G. 2016 Seasonal Variation of Soil Moisture in Irrigated Olive Trees Procedia Engineering, 162, 471-475.
- Actions for research, support and promotion of avocado cultivation in CreteProject Category:Direct AssignmentProject duration:3 YEARSScientfic Responsible:Thiresia-Teresa TzatzaniFunding Agency:Region of CreteProject website:
- Actions for the successful establishment of subtropical species in the Peloponnese regionProject Category:Direct AssignmentProject duration:5 YEARSScientfic Responsible:Thiresia-Teresa TzatzaniFunding Agency:Peloponnese Region, Peloponnese Regional Development FundProject website:
- Horizon 2020 – Developing Earth Observation (EO)-powered services to promote soil carbon sequestration through regenerative agriculture ‘AgriCapture’ / Earth Observation & Water efficiency in semi-arid agricultureProject Category:InternationalProject duration:2021-2024Scientfic Responsible:Κουργιαλάς Νεκτάριος (Συντονιστής πιλοτικών περιοχών)Funding Agency:Horizon 2020 - European CommissionProject website:
- Integrated decision-making system for crop irrigation in Crete using innovative technologies - DE.F.I.C.I.T. with OPS code (MIS: 5028242) / Decision system For Irrigation in Crete based on Innovative TechnologiesProject Category:NationalProject duration:2019-2022Scientfic Responsible:Kourgialas Nektarios (Project Coordinator)Funding Agency:ESPAProject website:
- LIFE AgroClimaWater (LIFE14CCA/GR.00389). Promoting efficient water use and supporting the transition to climate-resilient agriculture in Mediterranean countriesProject Category:InternationalProject duration:2015-2020Scientfic Responsible:Kourgialas NektariosFunding Agency:EUProject website:
- Δημιουργία νέων ποικιλιών ελιάς για προσαρμογή στην κλιματική αλλαγή και βελτίωση ποιότητας προϊόντωνProject Category:NationalProject duration:2021-2025Scientfic Responsible:Koubouris GeorgiosFunding Agency:ΥΠΑΑΤProject website:
- FreeClimb Adaptation of fruit crops in climate change in the Mediterranean Basin” (2019-2022) Program PRIMA S1 2018 FARMING SYSTEMS.Project Category:InternationalProject duration:2019-2023Scientfic Responsible:Koubouris GeorgiosFunding Agency:ΕΕProject website:
https://sites.unimi.it/primafreeclimb/home/ - Modelling solutions for improved and Resilient mAnagement strategies for Olive tree against future CLimatE changeProject Category:InternationalProject duration:2016-2019Scientfic Responsible:Koubouris GeorgiosFunding Agency:ΕΕProject website:
http://olivemiracle.eu/ - Evaluation of capability of honey bees (Apis mellifera) and mining bees in pollinating flowers of watermelon plants.Project Category:Direct AssignmentProject duration:2 έτηScientfic Responsible:Κική ΒαρίκουFunding Agency:SYGENTA HELLASProject website:
- Αξιολόγηση αποτελεσματικότητας φυτοπροστατευτικών σκευασμάτων (Danadim progress 40EC, Perfection 40EC, Spada 20 ΕC κτλ) εναντίον του δάκου της ελιάς με δολωματικούς από εδάφους ψεκασμούςProject Category:Direct AssignmentProject duration:5 έτηScientfic Responsible:Κική ΒαρίκουFunding Agency:Anadiag HellasProject website:
- Μελέτη αποτελεσματικότητας νέων σκευασμάτων GF-2680 και GF-2682 σε πειράματα αγρού για την αντιμετώπιση του δάκου της ελιάς (Bactrocera oleae) με δολωματικούς από εδάφους ψεκασμούς.Project Category:Direct AssignmentProject duration:2 έτηScientfic Responsible:Κική ΒαρίκουFunding Agency:ELANCO HELLAS S.A.Project website:
- Μελέτη βιο-οικολογικών χαρακτηριστικών των ειδών των ψευδοκόκκων σε αμπελώνες του νομού Ηρακλείου και πιλοτική εφαρμογή μέτρων ολοκληρωμένης αντιμετώπισης τουςProject Category:Direct AssignmentProject duration:1 έτοςScientfic Responsible:Κική ΒαρίκουFunding Agency:ΥΠΑΑΤProject website:
- Έλεγχος της αποτελεσματικότητας του ετοιμόχρηστων δολωμάτων με δραστική ουσία το a-cypermethrin για την αντιμετώπιση του δάκου της ελιάς (Bactrocera οleae) με δολωματικούς από εδάφους ψεκασμούς.Project Category:Direct AssignmentProject duration:8 έτηScientfic Responsible:Κική ΒαρίκουFunding Agency:ΒASF Αgro Ελλάς Α.Β.Ε.ΕProject website:
- Ανάπτυξη και Εφαρμογή Αναδυομένων Βιοτεχνολογικών Μεθόδων σε Κηπευτικές Καλλιέργειες Βιολογικής ΓεωργίαςProject Category:NationalProject duration:2020-2023Scientfic Responsible:Δρ. Νεκτάριος ΚαβρουλάκηςFunding Agency:Υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης - ΕΠΑνΕΚ 2014 – «ΕΡΕΥΝΩ – ΔΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΩ – ΚΑΙΝΟΤΟΜΩ»Project website:
- Προσαρμογή οπωροφόρων δενδρωδών καλλιεργειών της Μεσογειακής λεκάνης στη κλιματική αλλαγή (FREECLIMB)Project Category:NationalProject duration:2019-2022Scientfic Responsible:Dr Georgios KoubourisFunding Agency:Συγχρηματοδότηση Εθνικοί πόροι και ΕΕProject website:
https://sites.unimi.it/primafreeclimb/home/ - "Creation of a National research network in the olive value chain" (Flagship action 'Olive Roads'). Subproject 1- Genetic analysis and application of -omic technologies in Greek olive varietiesProject Category:NationalProject duration:October 2018 - October 2021Scientfic Responsible:Dr Georgios KoubourisFunding Agency:Γ.Γ.Ε.Τ.Project website: