Tzatzani Thiresia-Teresa Dr.
Researcher C', Chania
Subtropical crops
Research Interests
- Plant physiology of growth and development of subtropical species
- Conventional and in vitro technique propagation techniques
- Development of new commercial varieties and rootstocks with resistance to stresses
- Development of new cultivation techniques and use of innovative technologies on subtropical crops.
Contact information
Thiresia-Teresa Tzatzani, Giasemi Morianou, Safiye Tül, Nektarios N. Kourgialas 2023 Air Temperature as a Key Indicator of Avocado (Cvs. Fuerte, Zutano, Hass) Maturation Time in Mediterranean Climate Areas: The Case of Western Crete in Greece Agriculture, 13, 1342.
Thiresia-Teresa Tzatzani, Georgia Ouzounidou 2023 Carob as an agrifood chain product of cultural, agricultural and economic importance in the Mediterranean region Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, I140, 21.
Thiresia-Teresa Tzatzani, Ioanna Michail, Anastasia Boutsika, Eirini Sarrou & Ioannis Ganopoulos 2023 Micropropagation of guava (Psidium guajava) seedlings, a plant with interest in cool subtropics, using an innovative BB culture medium Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, VOL. 37, NO.1, 139–150.
Thiresia-Teresa Tzatzani, Georgios Psarras, Dario Scuderi, Emmanouil Kokolakis and Ioannis E. Papadakis 2022 Effect of Organic Fertilizers on Avocado Trees (Cvs. Fuerte, Hass, Lamb Hass) in Western Crete, a Cool Subtropical Region Sustainability, 14, Issue 19, 12221.
Huda E. Mahood, Virginia Sarropoulou, Thiresia-Teresa Tzatzani 2022 Effect of explant type (leaf, stem) and 2,4-D concentration on callus induction: influence of elicitor type (biotic, abiotic), elicitor concentration and elicitation time on biomass growth rate and costunolide biosynthesis in gazania (Gazania rigens) cell suspension cultures Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 9, 100.
Nastou A., Tzatzani T.T., Chatzistathis T. 2021 The influence of NaCl stress on plant tissue nutrient concentrations and compartmentalization of Na and Cl within leaf surface area of Persea americana Mill Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 30, 11663-11669.
Thiresia-Teresa Tzatzani, Evangelia Basdeki, Evangelia-Vasiliki Ladikou, Marios-Ioannis N. Sotiras, Georgios Panagiotakis, Sryridon Lionakis and Ioannis E. Papadakis 2020 Seed germination traits of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) as affected by various pre-sowing treatments (cutting of cotyledons, removal of perisperm, moist chilling and/or exogenous application of gibberellin) Phyton, International Journal of Experimental Botany, 20, 1-12.
Tzatzani T.T., Kavroulakis N., Doupis G., Psarras G., Papadakis E. I. 2019 Nutritional status of ‘Hass’ and ‘Fuerte’ avocado (Persea mericana Mill.) plants subjected to high soil moisture Journal of Plant Nutrition, 43, 327-333.
Tzatzani T.T., Yupsanis T., Dimassi K., Therios I. 2018 Organogenesis of Citrus rootstocks using mature explants Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, 7, 10-15.
Tzatzani T.T., Yupsanis Y., Dimassi K., Therios I. 2015 Usage of DNases and NDP kinases as molecular markers of the developmental embryo stage of Poncirus trifoliata L. and Citrus aurantium L. rootstocks Brazilian Journal of Botany, 38, 469-477.
Tzatzani T.T., Dimassi K., Yupsanis T., Bosabalidis A., Therios I., Sarropoulou V. 2013 Globular body production, their anatomy, DNase gel analysis and NDP kinase activity in root tips of Poncirus trifoliata L. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 71, 247-253.
- Actions for research, support and promotion of avocado cultivation in CreteProject Category:Direct AssignmentProject duration:3 YEARSScientfic Responsible:Thiresia-Teresa TzatzaniFunding Agency:Region of CreteProject website:
- Actions for the successful establishment of subtropical species in the Peloponnese regionProject Category:Direct AssignmentProject duration:5 YEARSScientfic Responsible:Thiresia-Teresa TzatzaniFunding Agency:Peloponnese Region, Peloponnese Regional Development FundProject website:
- Integrated decision-making system for crop irrigation in Crete using innovative technologies - DE.F.I.C.I.T. with OPS code (MIS: 5028242) / Decision system For Irrigation in Crete based on Innovative TechnologiesProject Category:NationalProject duration:2019-2022Scientfic Responsible:Kourgialas Nektarios (Project Coordinator)Funding Agency:ESPAProject website:
- LIFE AgroClimaWater (LIFE14CCA/GR.00389). Promoting efficient water use and supporting the transition to climate-resilient agriculture in Mediterranean countriesProject Category:InternationalProject duration:2015-2020Scientfic Responsible:Kourgialas NektariosFunding Agency:EUProject website:
- Production and marketing of new commercial avocado varieties, AVOCARE PLUSProject Category:Direct AssignmentProject duration:2021-2025Scientfic Responsible:Thiresia-Teresa TzatzaniFunding Agency:LiodakisProject website:
- Production and promotion of new avocado varietiesProject Category:Direct AssignmentProject duration:2018-2021Scientfic Responsible:Thiresia-Teresa TzatzaniFunding Agency:LymperakisProject website:
- Study of the effect of the AMINO-16 formulation on the nutrition and quality of the produced avocado fruitsProject Category:Direct AssignmentProject duration:2019-2020Scientfic Responsible:Thiresia-Teresa TzatzaniFunding Agency:ΕΒΥΠ ΕΕProject website:
- "Creation of a National research network in the olive value chain" (Flagship action 'Olive Roads'). Subproject 1- Genetic analysis and application of -omic technologies in Greek olive varietiesProject Category:NationalProject duration:October 2018 - October 2021Scientfic Responsible:Dr Georgios KoubourisFunding Agency:Γ.Γ.Ε.Τ.Project website: