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The main focus is the interaction of the genetic material with the environment and the olive grove management. In the National Olive Germplasm Bank, with over 100 varieties, selections from Greece and other countries are constantly added, for the preservation of plant genetic resources for protection of biodiversity and for their characterization(productivity, quality, adaptation to environmental conditions) and their utilization for the restructuring of Greek olive growing but also for the creation of new varieties through breeding. In collaboration with many agricultural organizations, multiyear field trialsare carried out on the impact of climate change on olive growing.



Olive cultivation

Olive fertilization

Olive pruning

Recycling of olive pruning

Management of fire-affected olive groves

Learn about the disease Xylella of plants

Irrigation Water Use

Prevention and restoration of damaged olive trees by snow


Educational videos

The pruning of the olive

Olive fertilization

Olive weed management

Compost from the pruning residue of the olive grove

Holistic olive grove management

Latest Research Results in the Olive fruit fly control

  • Ανάπτυξη και Εφαρμογή Αναδυομένων Βιοτεχνολογικών Μεθόδων σε Κηπευτικές Καλλιέργειες Βιολογικής Γεωργίας
    Project Category:
    Project duration:
    Scientfic Responsible:
    Δρ. Νεκτάριος Καβρουλάκης
    Funding Agency:
    Υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης - ΕΠΑνΕΚ 2014 – «ΕΡΕΥΝΩ – ΔΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΩ – ΚΑΙΝΟΤΟΜΩ»
    Project website:
  • Βελτιστοποίηση της αντιμετώπισης του γλοιοσπορίου της ελιάς στην περιφερειακή ενότητα Χανίων (GleoliveTreat)
    Project Category:
    Project duration:
    2020-2021 ΔΡΑΣΗ 1
    Scientfic Responsible:
    Δρ Ματθαίος Μαθιουδάκης
    Funding Agency:
    Συγχρηματοδότηση Εθνικοί Πόροι και ΕΕ (ΠΑΑ, ΜΕΤΡΟ16-ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ, ΥπΑΑΤ-ΕΓΤΑΑ, ΕΣΠΑ 2014-2020)
    Project website:

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