Ντούλης Ανδρέας Γ. Δρ.
Researcher A', Heraklion
Plant biotechnology
Research Interests
- Utilization of molecular genetic marker technologies (AFLP, MSAP, SSR and SNP) and genomic data for:
- classification of varieties, clones of cultivated as well as forest plant species and of phytopathogenic fungi, molecular identification of plant-propagation material, molecular traceability and authentication of food of plant origin
- molecular-genetic linkage mapping and integration of physical genomic maps with linkage maps,
- uncovering molecular phylogenetic and phylo-geographic relationships and evolutionary pathways
- Creation of a biological repository of analyzed materials
- Utilization of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics tools for:
- creation of databases, ensuring interoperability with other corresponding ones
- visualization of genetic / genomic relationships
- hypothesis testing
- Innovation in application of the above
Contact information
Avramidou, E.V., Koubouris, G.C., Petrakis, P.V., Lambrou, K.K., Metzidakis, I.T., Doulis, A.G 2020 Classification binary trees with SSR allelic sizes: Combining regression trees with genetic molecular data in order to characterize genetic diversity between cultivars of olea europaea L. Agronomy, 10
Koubouris, G.C., Avramidou, E.V., Metzidakis, I.T., Petrakis, P.V., Sergentani, C.K., Doulis, A.G. 2019 Phylogenetic and evolutionary applications of analyzing endocarp morphological characters by classification binary tree and leaves by SSR markers for the characterization of olive germplasm Tree Genetics and Genomes, 15
Aksehirli-Pakyurek, M., Koubouris, G.C., Petrakis, P.V., Hepaksoy, S., Metzidakis, I.T., Yalcinkaya, E., Doulis, A.G. 2017 Cultivated and Wild Olives in Crete, Greece—Genetic Diversity and Relationships with Major Turkish Cultivars Revealed by SSR Markers Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 35, 575-585.
- FreeClimb Adaptation of fruit crops in climate change in the Mediterranean Basin” (2019-2022) Program PRIMA S1 2018 FARMING SYSTEMS.Project Category:InternationalProject duration:2019-2023Scientfic Responsible:Koubouris GeorgiosFunding Agency:ΕΕProject website:
https://sites.unimi.it/primafreeclimb/home/ - Προσαρμογή οπωροφόρων δενδρωδών καλλιεργειών της Μεσογειακής λεκάνης στη κλιματική αλλαγή (FREECLIMB)Project Category:NationalProject duration:2019-2022Scientfic Responsible:Dr Georgios KoubourisFunding Agency:Συγχρηματοδότηση Εθνικοί πόροι και ΕΕProject website:
https://sites.unimi.it/primafreeclimb/home/ - "Creation of a National research network in the olive value chain" (Flagship action 'Olive Roads'). Subproject 1- Genetic analysis and application of -omic technologies in Greek olive varietiesProject Category:NationalProject duration:October 2018 - October 2021Scientfic Responsible:Dr Georgios KoubourisFunding Agency:Γ.Γ.Ε.Τ.Project website: