Markakis Emmanouil Dr.
Researcher C'. Heraklion
Crop diseases
Research Interests
- identification and report of new-emerging diseases at national and international scale
- study on endemic and emerging plant diseases
- development of innovative diagnostic methods with combined use of interdisciplinary technologies
- study of population structure, biology, physiology, genetics and epidemiology of phytopathogenic fungi
- investigation of interaction of phytopathogenic fungi with host plants and the environment for a comprehensive understanding ofthe mechanisms underlying pathogenesis, recognition and plant defense
- evaluation and exploitation of genotype resistance to manage fungal diseases
- biological controlwith the use of composts, beneficial microorganisms and agents
- optimization of existing means through the management of fungal drug resistance
Contact information
E.A. Markakis, N. Krasagakis, E.A. Tzortzakakis, G. Tsaniklidis, C.S. Lagogianni, E.K. Ligoxigakis, I.V. Pardavella & D.E. Goumas 2021 Investigation of interactions between Meloidogyne javanica and three soil-borne fungi against susceptible plant hosts Journal of Phytopathology , 169, 98-111.
N. Nikoloudakis, P. Pappi, E.A. Markakis, S.N. Charova, D. Fanourakis, K. Paschalidis, C. Delis, E.A.Tzortzakakis & G. Tsaniklidis 2020 Structural diversity and highly specific host-pathogen transcription regulation of defensin gene is revealed in tomato. International Journal of. Molecular Science, 21
Zapolska, A., Kalaitzidis, C., Markakis, E., Ligoxigakis, E., Koubouris, G. 2020 Linear Discriminant Analysis of spectral measurements for discrimination between healthy and diseased trees of Olea europaea L. artificially infected by Fomitiporia mediterranea International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41, 5388-5398.
Markakis, E.A., Ligoxigakis, E.K., Roussos, P.A., Sergentani, C.K., Kavroulakis, N., Roditakis, E.N., Koubouris, G.C. 2019 Differential susceptibility responses of Greek olive cultivars to Fomitiporia mediterranea European Journal of Plant Pathology, 153, 1055-1066.
Sentouka, A., Sergentani, C., Markakis, E., Koubouris, G. 2018 Impact of fruit thinning on fruit properties of Olea europaea ‘Kalamata’ and ‘Manzanilla’ Acta Horticulturae, 1199, 375-378.
Markakis, E.A., Kavroulakis, N., Ntougias, S., Koubouris, G.C., Sergentani, C.K., Ligoxigakis, E.K. 2017 Characterization of fungi associated with wood decay of tree species and grapevine in Greece Plant Disease, 101, 1929-1940.
Markakis, E.A., Koubouris, G.C., Sergentani, C.K., Ligoxigakis, E.K. 2017 Evaluation of Greek grapevine cultivars for resistance to Phaeomoniella chlamydospora European Journal of Plant Pathology, 149, 277-283.
Garantonakis, N., Varikou, K., Markakis, E., Birouraki, A., Sergentani, C., Psarras, G., Koubouris, G.C. 2016 Interaction between Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) infestation and fruit mineral element content in Olea europaea (Lamiales: Oleaceae) cultivars of global interest Applied Entomology and Zoology, 51, 257-265.
Markakis, E.A., Kavroulakis, N., Koubouris, G.C. 2014 First report of Verticillium wilt caused by Verticillium dahliae on avocado trees in Greece Plant Disease, 98, 1584.
- LIFE AgroClimaWater (LIFE14CCA/GR.00389). Promoting efficient water use and supporting the transition to climate-resilient agriculture in Mediterranean countriesProject Category:InternationalProject duration:2015-2020Scientfic Responsible:Kourgialas NektariosFunding Agency:EUProject website:
- Δημιουργία νέων ποικιλιών ελιάς για προσαρμογή στην κλιματική αλλαγή και βελτίωση ποιότητας προϊόντωνProject Category:NationalProject duration:2021-2025Scientfic Responsible:Koubouris GeorgiosFunding Agency:ΥΠΑΑΤProject website:
- FreeClimb Adaptation of fruit crops in climate change in the Mediterranean Basin” (2019-2022) Program PRIMA S1 2018 FARMING SYSTEMS.Project Category:InternationalProject duration:2019-2023Scientfic Responsible:Koubouris GeorgiosFunding Agency:ΕΕProject website:
https://sites.unimi.it/primafreeclimb/home/ - Προσαρμογή οπωροφόρων δενδρωδών καλλιεργειών της Μεσογειακής λεκάνης στη κλιματική αλλαγή (FREECLIMB)Project Category:NationalProject duration:2019-2022Scientfic Responsible:Dr Georgios KoubourisFunding Agency:Συγχρηματοδότηση Εθνικοί πόροι και ΕΕProject website:
https://sites.unimi.it/primafreeclimb/home/ - Ερευνητικές και ενημερωτικές δράσεις για ενίσχυση της ετοιμότητας της Περιφέρειας Βορείου Αιγαίου αναφορικά με την άμεση εκρίζωση του παθογόνου Xylella fastidiosa σε περίπτωση εντοπισμού του (XyLeVA)Project Category:NationalProject duration:2019-2022Scientfic Responsible:Dr Nektarios KavroulakisFunding Agency:North Aegean RegionProject website:
- "Creation of a National research network in the olive value chain" (Flagship action 'Olive Roads'). Subproject 1- Genetic analysis and application of -omic technologies in Greek olive varietiesProject Category:NationalProject duration:October 2018 - October 2021Scientfic Responsible:Dr Georgios KoubourisFunding Agency:Γ.Γ.Ε.Τ.Project website:
https://dromoielias.gr/ - «Δημιουργία Εθνικού ερευνητικού δικτύου στην αλυσίδα αξίας της ελιάς» (Εμβληματικής δράση ‘Οι δρόμοι της Ελιάς). Υποέργο 2-ΦυτοπροστασίαProject Category:NationalProject duration:October 2018 - October 2021Scientfic Responsible:Dr Anastasia TsagkarakouFunding Agency:Γ.Γ.Ε.Τ.Project website: